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Nada Más Que Amor

I enjoy the company of romance novels and historical fiction!


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The Lady of the Rivers (The Cousins' War, #3) - Philippa Gregory The third book of The Cousins' War series by Philippa Gregory; The Lady of the Rivers. In this book we get a view of Jacquetta of Luxembourg, the known descendent of the river goddess, Melusina, and her life before her daughter Elizabeth became queen of England.

I expected the book to start out from when Elizabeth and King Edward met, and that we would get a different point of view of the same storyline just like the past 2 books. Here we get to read about Jacquetta from her childhood up to adulthood and also when the War of Roses first started.

Surprisingly, if you think about. This book doesn't really focus on Jacquetta's personal life much. I mean, the story line is set on Jacquetta's life, whereabouts and what she's been through but all that seems to be covering the book is Margaret of Anjou and Jacquetta's loyalty to her. There were times when I would feel tempted to shout out "plaayaaaa" at Margaret of Anjou for having a secret affair with Edmund Beaufort.

All I thought about when I went through the book was "How will Jacquetta turn her coat (as they say) from the House of Lancaster to the House of York?" "How does that happen?". At slightly shocking turn of very simple events, she does turn her coat from Queen Margaret to King Edward. I expected a lot more blood to be shed at this point. But Jacquetta is a very powerful woman, no matters where her loyalties lay, her gifts would always find a way to save her.

I really admire the love of Jacquetta and her husband. They have the love that is so deep that nothing can tear them apart from each other. Even death can't break them. (I just had to put that out there). Her husband would leave to go to war, and then come back safely. He sure is lucky.

In conclusion, the Lady of the Rivers is a good book. It is fascinating, intriguing and slightly confusing book (just when it comes to the all the names). If you've read the first two books of the series, reading this book will fill out a bit of holes that needed to be filled out about Jacquetta and the early ages of the War of Roses.
I recommend this lovely book to those who enjoy reading a small part of the history of England, and to those who enjoy reading about the medieval times. Because I recently found out that I do xD

PS: This book was longer than the rest. O.O